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Broker Buddha

Intro Slide

Executive Summary • 5 of the top 10 Independent Agencies use Broker Buddha for client submissions • Those agencies represent $20B in annual premium • We work with carriers to publish submission requirements for each LOB • We are developing carrier panels to support online bridging & quoting for each LOB • Unappointed agents can access carriers through our wholesaler partnerships 2

Getting a business the coverage it needs is an administrative nightmare!

Getting a business the coverage it needs is an administrative nightmare! 20 23 23+ Steps Steps Steps Businesses Brokers Carriers

Broker Buddha streamlines applications and renewals BUSINESS BROKER CARRIER 5

Broker Buddha was inspired by a profitable, high growth digital agency


Our platform helps insurance carriers with… 1. Speed Receiving complete applications faster



Digital smart forms ensure required questions are answered and that data can be submitted digitally to carrier systems, avoiding email and manual entry


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3.5 days average return time for applications 14

Our platform helps insurance carriers with… 1. Speed Receiving complete applications faster 2. Growth Expanding revenue from existing agencies

“I will send more business to carriers who provide me with real time quotes when a client submits an application online” - 94.3% of brokers surveyed - 16

Carriers connected to Broker Buddha through APIs will receive more submissions from their appointed agents Business Appointed Agencies Business Retail Offline Agent 1 Carrier Business Business Retail Business Agent 2 Business Business Business Retail Agent 3 Online Business Carrier Business Retail Business Agent 4 Business Using Broker Buddha

Over 5 years with Broker Buddha, 1 Committed Agent can drive $2.5M in Premium / $133k in Profit 5 submissions 12 months 60 $200k x = submissions premium x 5 years = $1M / month / year / year / year 60 $10k premium $600k 85% retention submissions x = Opportunity & $2.5M / year / Submission / year $1M x = 3% premium Premium increase 5% Net $600k 33% $200k Underwriting Profit Opportunity x = premium $2.5M x & = $133k Net / year Conversion / year Premium Profit 3% Investment ROI 18

Carriers who have ALL their appointed agents on Broker Buddha and enable API connectivity will see massive gains Business Appointed Agencies Business Retail Retail Retail Agents Retail Retail Retail Agent 1 Retail Business Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Agents Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Business Agent 1 Retail Agent 2 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Business Retail Agent 1 Agent 1 Agent 1 Business Online Carrier Business Business Retail Agent 3 Business Business Retail Business Agent 4 Business Using Broker Buddha

Over 5 years with Broker Buddha 10,000 Committed Agents $25B in Premium / $1.3B in Profit =

Our platform helps insurance carriers with… 1. Speed Receiving complete applications faster 2. Growth Expanding revenue from existing agencies 3. Expansion Getting exposure to new agencies

Agencies not directly appointed with carriers can still quote digitally through our wholesaler partnerships Business Appointed Agencies Business Retail Retail Retail Agents Retail Retail Retail Agent 1 Retail Business Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Agents Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Business Agent 1 Retail Agent 2 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Retail Agent 1 Business Retail Agent 1 Agent 1 Agent 1 Business Online Carrier Business Business Retail Agent 3 Business Wholesale Partner Business Retail Business Agent 4 Business Using Broker Buddha

We can integrate with carrier APIs in under 6 weeks! 23

The business case is hard to argue $25B in Premium Unappointed Agencies Wholesaler Commission Appointed Agencies Per Agent Fee $1.3B in Profit Success Fee 24

Team Leaders Jason Keck Ryan Buzzanca Sean Harvey Alessandra Rohde CEO Engineering Broker Sales Acct Management [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] $4.5M Raised 25

Maria Sunny Jeff Jennifer

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[email protected]